Friday, 9 September 2016

Earn over £100 using cashback websites

Earn over £100 using cashback websites

I don't see it mentioned very often in here, but I assume most users will already know about using cashback websites to earn some extra beer money.
For those who don't, cashback websites are a simple idea. Companies pay cashback sites a certain amount of money for each genuine and new customer they bring in, the cashback sites then offer the user a set amount of money for going through them to sign up to the company in question. You can also use cashback sites to claim money from real stores, although I've never really did this myself. There are lots of cashback sites out there, but I use the 2 most trusted and largest for UK users, these are:
  • Payout Method: BACS, PayPal, Gift Cards
  • Minimum Payout: 1p
  • Available In: UK, US
  • Notes: There is a free and premium option, use the free option

  • Payout Method: BACS, PayPal, Amazon
  • Minimum Payout: £1 (you have to set this)
  • Available In: UK only (I think?)
  • Notes: There is a free and premium option, use the free option

I've spent most of the morning collating the best offers for these 2 sites.
For Best results with Cashback offers you should:
  • Clear your cookies (or better yet, use another browser)
  • Turn off any adblockers you may have on
  • Always read the offer thoroughly
The first group of offers are free offers which require you to sign up to a website, or get a quote, or sign up to a free trial. By using all of these offers at the time of writing you can earn an easy £30!

Free offers

WebsiteQuidco ProfitWebsiteTop Cashback ProfitNotes Car Insurance£ Car Insurance£2.32For a Genuine New Quote Pet Insurance£ Pet Insurance£0.60For a Genuine New Quote Travel Insurance£ Travel Insurance£0.55For a Genuine New Quote Home Insurance£ Home Insurance£2.32For a Genuine New Quote Motorbike Insurance£ Motorbike Insurance£2.32For a Genuine New Quote Van Van Insurance£2.02For a Genuine New Quote
Resident Review£1.00Resident Review£1.01Leave a review of your landlord or estate agent££1.51Sign up for a free box & cashback
Western Union£1.00Western Union£1.01For a new signup
The People's Operator£1.00The People's Operator-For activating a free PayAsYouGo sim card
QuoteSearcher£3.50QuoteSearcher£3.53For generating a genuine insurance quote (various cashback amounts for different quotes)
Get me a Ticket£1.00Get me a ticket£1.01For registering an account
Search Lotto£0.50Search Lotto£0.50Make 25 searches for cashback and a free ticket
Quotezone£3.50QuoteZone£3.55For generating a genuine insurance quote (various cashback amounts for different quotes)
MySurvey UK-MySurvey UK£1.81must complete a double opt in and at least one survey£0.70For a new signup
Property Moose£2.00Property Moose£2.02For a new signup££1.01For a new signup
MyOffers-MyOffers£0.50For a new signup
Readly£0.30Readly£0.30Completion of 30 day free trial

Another way to continue your earning is to hit the deposit offers. These are offers you can sign up to through TopCashBack  and Quidco which pay you more in cashback than you need to deposit to claim the cashback. So for example if you sign up to Gala Bingo through Quidco and wager £10 on their site you will receive £30 cashback through Quidco, giving you a £20 profit (and you'd be surprised how often you acctually win at these bingo sites too!) At the time of writing there is just over £130 to be earned using these methods! *(Please note, these offers are correct at the time of writing but do change fairly frequently) *

Deposit Offers

QuidcoTop Cashback
Gala Bingo£10.00£30.00£20.00Gala Bingo---
Ladbrokes Bingo£10.00£30.00£20.00Ladbrokes Bingo£10.00£30.30£20.30
William Hill Bingo£10.00£30.00£20.00William Hill Bingo£20.00£25.25£5.25
Betfair Bingo£10.00£20.00£10.00Betfair Bingo£10.00£15.15£5.15
32 Red Bingo£20.00£25.00£5.0032 Red Bingo£20.00£25.25£5.25
Betway Bingo£20.00£25.00£5.00Betway Bingo£20.00£25.25£5.25
Dream Bingo£20.00£25.00£5.00Dream Bingo£20.00£25.25£5.25
Lucky Pants Bingo---Lucky Pants Bingo£10.00£15.15£5.15
The National Lottery---The National Lottery£10.00£15.15£5.15
Bingo Extra---Bingo Extra£10.00£15.15£5.15
Bgo Bingo£20.00£25.00£5.00Bgo Bingo---
Glossy Bingo---Glossy Bingo£10.00£13.13£3.13
Dotty Bingo---Dotty Bingo£10.00£13.13£3.13
Bingo on the Box£10.00£13.00£3.00Bingo on the Box---
Butlers Bingo£10.00£13.00£3.00Butlers Bingo---
Winner Bingo£10.00£13.00£3.00Winner Bingo---
Deal or no deal Bingo£10.00£12.00£2.00Deal or no Deal Bingo---
Mecca Bingo£10.00£11.50£1.50Mecca Bingo£10.00£11.61£1.61
So, there you go. Easy money and you can work through most of these offers in a day (although tracking them will normally take a week or so) If you have any questions then fire away, I'll try my best to answer
TLDR: Sign up to TopCashBack  and Quidco  and use the offers above to make a cool £160


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